Introduction, characteristics, and types of charcoal pens

brief introduction

The tone of the charcoal pen does not reflect light, the color is thick, and it has a stronger visual impact than a pencil, which can accelerate the painting speed. Charcoal includes charcoal sticks, charcoal sticks, charcoal pens, carbon pencils, colored chalk, etc. Charcoal can be applied, rubbed, and rubbed in painting, as well as used for line or block surface treatment, which can make rich tone changes. Therefore, traditional gypsum sketching uses charcoal as a practice tool. Mainly used for sketching.


Charcoal pen is a wooden stick pen with carbon powder as the core. Its characteristics are strong black color, slightly poor adhesion, high friction with paper, and it is not suitable for erasing. It is often used for sketching and portraits.

Charcoal strips are mostly made by firing fine branches of willow trees, with differences in thickness, fineness, softness, and hardness. They are used due to different visual effects. They can be used to start with a softer charcoal brush, as they are easy to erase and can be repeatedly corrected without damaging the paper. When decorating the details, a harder charcoal brush can be used.


Charcoal pens are divided into black and brown in color. There are three types of charcoal pens: hard charcoal, medium charcoal, and soft charcoal. The usage of charcoal pens is similar to that of pencils, but it is not as easy to control as pencils. It requires frequent practice to become proficient.

Charcoal strips are made from charred willow wood, which is relatively soft, flexible, and easy to color, but with low adhesion. They can be used together with other tools and are suitable for large-scale painting.

The charcoal strip has a strong color and expressive power, making it particularly suitable for sketching. A charcoal pen is compressed from charcoal strips, with different hardness levels, making it relatively sturdy and durable. It has a black velvet like texture, strong expressive power, and can attract people.

Carbon pencils have different levels of hardness, combining the characteristics of carbon pencils and pencils, making them suitable for detailed characterization.

Color chalk is made from pigment powder, with a variety of colors, but poor adhesion. Sometimes, the color powder can be blown off with just one blow, and it is not easy to spray the fixing solution. The fixing solution not only sprays away the powder but also dissolves the color powder. Therefore, the best storage method is to mount it as soon as possible after painting.